Wednesday, October 27, 2010
7 Secrets to Successfully Freeze Food

1. Keep your freezer below 0°F & don't open it unless you need to.

2. Never put hot food in the freezer. It causes dramatic warming leading to freezer burn on what is in there.

3. Freeze small amounts, not over a pound per portion, & use Food Labels with the food & the date!

4. Wrap meat tightly with heavy plastic, then aluminum foil, then pack in airtight containers.

5. Blanch & thoroughly drain vegetables, then pack tightly in plastic containers, "burping" out the air. Be certain to leave enough space for expansion in the coursework of freezing, & seal the top with heavy plastic wrap before you snap on the lid.

6. With soups, leave expansion room at the top, & thoroughly cold. Seal the surface with plastic wrap before covering & freezing.

7. If your freezer is half full, fill containers with water, leaving expansion room, & freeze. This stabilizes freezer temperature.

To Recap: Use the proper materials & procedures & the food you freeze will stay at its peak until you are prepared to cook it. Food storage containers tailored for freezing are obtainable today which have been FDA approved. Their plastics contain no BPA or harmful chemicals & are often made to be safe to go from freezer to microwave. Portion out the food you are readying to freeze in no over one pound amounts. Pack the containers close to the top, leaving expansion room. Seal the top with freezer rated plastic wrap & mark them with dates & contents. in case you get a mixed size set of food storage containers, it is possible for you to to properly load your freezer. Freezers do their work best when packed full.


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